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Setup your snowboard bindings correctly

Snowboard Binding Setup

There are infinite ways to adjust your snowboard bindings.  

When it comes to snow bindings which way is right and what is the most common setup?  We know that you can put the bindings on the board within 5 minutes or less and be ready to start shredding, but this may not be the best way to ride.  Bindings may not be the most glamorous part of your snowboard set up but they are probably the most important.  Without the proper stance, you will soon learn how uncomfortable your feet and legs feel going down the mountain.  If you are riding on a smaller hill you may not feel any annoyance but take these down a mountain in Utah or Colorado and you will notice how good or poor of a job you did on the stance setup.  Comfort isn't the only thing you want when you set up your snowboard bindings.  A few other things like the response from high backs, toe grip, and how well they lock your boot to the binding.  Other items to consider are they easy to strap and unstrap, do the components fit right over the boot, and is there enough strap showing to tighten the boot once it's in the binding.  We like to have 3 to 5 teeth showing on the strap.  These previously listed items are just a few things to consider before you just mount your bindings and go snowboarding.  We are going to take a deeper look at a specific binding brand Union. 

Specific Snowboard Binding

The Union bindings come with multiple disks to allow you to mount your bindings to multiple board types like the 4x2, 4x4, and channel mounts.  So no matter what board you purchase union will adapt and mount to your snowboard.  The amount of hardware you use will differ for each setup.  Like the 4x4 will use more hardware vs the channel setup.  It is also recommended that you use the hardware provided with the binding.  Using longer or wider screws could cause damage or may not be safe as it will not adhere correctly.  You should also not use any loc-tite type hardware for your bindings.  For the setup, you should have a Phillips number 3 screwdriver handy as well.

Binding Stance Setup

Now let's get to the setup and binding position on the board.  We have to go over the stance to get this right and knocking out these 3 items will basically place your bindings in the correct position. 

  • Do you ride goofy or regular
  • How wide is your stance
  • At what angle are your feet pointed or how ducked are they?

Let's assume you ride regular with your left foot forward.  Now stand on the board with your feet just about shoulder-width apart.  If you are not sure how wide to go it best to go slightly wider and adjust as you go.  We suggest slightly wider than shoulder-width and again this is a personal preference.  It shouldn't be too wide where you are uncomfortable or too close where you can't get your balance right.  Once you get this place your bindings where you were standing over the mounting points.  The mounting disc should be as close to the center of your foot as possible.  One more important thing is to make sure the binding is also near the center of the board.  This is so your heel or feet don't drag on the snow.  You might have to throw your snowboard boot on and place it in the binding to see how much your feet hangover.  Having a good center point will allow you to easily move on your heel and toe edge.  If you are beginning it's always easier to carve on your heel edge so don't worry about your toes hanging over the edge.  With the Union bindings, you have the option to adjust the toe cup and heel cup forward and backward depending on your boot size.  You will want to make this adjustment before you mount the binding on the snowboard. Now that you have your regular stance and feet at the right width lets move to the foot angle.

Stance Angle

This part of the setup might be the area that changes the most.  There are so many options when it comes to the angles your feet point.  You can ride with both feet at the same angle or your front foot at a ducked stance and back foot straight.  We like the front foot at a 15-degree angle and the back at 0 to -6 degree.  This is a great beginner stance as it forces you to ride with a proper technique and your weight distributed in the right areas.  You should notice the degree marks on the discs.  This part of the setup is strictly personal preference and for comfort.  If you don't like the setup and degree you picked just adjust it.

Ride and Check 

Most hills and mountains will have a Phillips screwdriver for making adjustments if you find your current stance isn't working for you.  The other thing you want to do is tighten and check your hardware after a few runs.  Make sure everything is attached properly and the hardware is secure.  Make it a habit to check your hardware before your first run every-time you go out.  Not only is this a safe way of boarding it also keeps others safe as well. 

We hope this helped you along with your snowboard journey and binding setup.  Again your stance and setup are mostly a personal preference. 

If you want to see more snowboard bindings then check out what we have for sale at 88 Gear Sports

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