How to Extend Your Waters Sport Season
Surf and Ski Longer With The Right Gear
Looking to ride that endless wave for another month or two? Why put everything away when the water gets a little cold! It's one of the best times to be out because you can have the water to yourself if you dress for it. Having the right equipment to withstand the cold water can extend your surf, wake, or ski season 2-4 months depending on where you live.
The Gear You Need for Cold Water!
So here is what you need to get more water time. We recommend at least having a good 4-3 or 3-2 full wetsuit for early spring and mid to late fall months. If you are down south you might get away with a decent spring wetsuit. The 3-2 suits do allow water to touch your skin but the cells in the suit use your body heat to keep you warm. A good suit can get you by in 45-55 degree water temps. Depending on your tolerance to cold water you can also add hooded tops and gloves. For your feet closed toe bindings are the way to go when temps drop.
Waters Like Ice - But You Don't Care!
For those water nuts that just can't let go or can't wait to hit the water, we suggest investing in a drysuit. You may get less use vs. the wetsuit, but you can extend the season at least another month. If you have a posse of friends that you ride with talk about splitting the cost if you are similar sizes. The nice thing about the drysuit is you can wear sweats underneath to keep warm. You still have to worry about your head and hands but this suit will keep out 95-99% of the water. A small amount may leak into the zipper area. We suggest taking really good care of your drysuit to avoid rips and tears around the rubber areas. They take a little time to get in and out of, but there shouldn't be a rush cause you are probably the only one on the water. You will also notice you will float well with a drysuit as it fills with air and keeps you above the water. The one downside is your mobility will be a slightly limited vs typical boardshorts and life vest riding.
If you want to check out a good wetsuit or drysuit to add more water time then click here to see what O'Neill has to offer.
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