New Onewheel Plus XR Coming Soon
Ride Longer and Further with the latest Onewheel XR
An upgraded Onewheel plus will be hitting the market around April 2018. The same great board with the snowboard feel will be able to take you to extra lengths. That's right an improved range will allow users to go on even longer rides and enjoy this board even more before heading to recharge.
So how far will you be able to ride the new board? The current Onewheel Plus (No Longer Available) model can go 6-8 miles depending on hills and terrain. That's a long ride and satisfies most user's needs but not everyone. So Future Motion did it again and made the XR model - Extended Range. So now you can cruse up to 12-18 miles on a single charge. If this is exciting news then get in line for the board because Onewheel usually has a waiting list for their new boards.
Watch for the Onewheel Plus XR to be available this Spring at 88 Gear Sports
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