Beginner Tips for your first Wakeboard Trick - Wake Jump
Beginner Wakeboarding Tips
Find out some of the secrets to help you succeed at one of your first wakeboarding tricks.
So you want to land that first wake jump and can't figure out why your having so much trouble. We will address 3 of the most common mistakes and give you some tips to correct those mistakes.
1. Not getting any air after your jump: When you jump the wake you actually don't jump. Think of it as more of an explosion when you hit the wake. TIP: Try and keep your legs stiff so you don't absorb the wakes energy. Don't go for the gusto on the first try. Attempt a couple small jumps and get comfortable landing in the middle of the wake. After you are comfortable with this try to cut all the way through the wake and land on the opposite side. TIP: Take a smaller cut at the wake. Meaning cut your approach in half and this will trick your body to cut through the wake more. Lots of people try and take off too early and this results in them giving up lots of pop off the wake.
2. Handle Pops out when I land. This tip will help you with this basic trick and all tricks going forward. Tip: Keep the handle close to your body and waist. The closer the handle on the landing the easier the trick becomes. Most people are not set to land, so your body is worried about the landing first and handle second. If your arms are extended that darn handle is going to fly right out of your hands.
3. Can't Clear the Wake: This problem circles back to a tip in the first section. Once you mastered the concept of stiff legs vs. absorbing you will want to clear the wake. Why? Your landings will be smoother and easier on the body coming down on the other side of the wake. Tip: Cut all the way through the wake. Use the progressive edge to build up more momentum as you approach the wake. You can also use the tip from the first section and cut your approach in half. With less approach you have less time to let up on your cut forcing you all the way through the wake. This tip can be applied to your first invert a back roll. Trip flips apply and different technique so don't use this tip for tantrums or crows. Tip: Shorten the rope or take some links out. You still need the rope long enough to get a progressive cut at the wake.
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